Operations Research/Analytics Consulting
Engagement Approach
We use tools and techniques from operations research and analytics for problem analysis and solution generation. We begin our projects by first understanding client needs and the problem space in which they are operating. This diagnostic phase consists of interviews, data collection, and industry research.
Our strength lies in our ability to then design an integrated solution framework and approach that meets client needs while drawing upon state-of-the-art tools from operations research, analytics, and machine learning. Virtually every client problem is unique, and we do not have canned approaches. One client might need a simulation of their business processes to determine bottlenecks. Another may need a mathematical optimization tool to assign orders to transport hubs at least overall cost. Still another may need an estimate of health risks, for which we construct a set of statistical algorithms to analyze historical data.
Finally, we either implement the approach in a client tool, or analyze the results to determine recommended courses of action. Our deliverables may be software, technical reports, or both.